Malaysiakini reports, here, that "Dr M fears corruption in general election".
Eh? Welcome to the club.
The 82 year old former premier also lashed the present government as "weak" and said he feared that vote-buying would be deployed to stem its losses in upcoming general elections. He said this in an interview with foreign news wires to mark the launch of his latest book yesterday.
I was invited to the Perdana Leadership Foundation building in Putrajaya this morning for the official launching of the former PM's book "Dr. Mahathir's Selected letters to World Leaders", published by Marshall Cavendish Editions. The book is a collection of 71 letters compiled and contain editorial comments by Tan Sri Abdullah Ahmad a.k.a. Dollah Kok Lanas (DKL), a fellow MCKK old boy, former special envoy to the UN and ex-head of the New Straits Times Group.
DKL concedes that the book is not a 'fun' read but insists that it surely must be required reading for students of Malaysian politics and international relations. The book has been on sale at bookstores since two weeks ago.
Read fellow blogger Big Dog's take on the book launch and PC, here.
(Above photo taken at the launch with former minister and Kedah MB Tan Sri Sanusi Junid, another MCKK old boy I haven't met for more than 40 years).