(Source: Malaysiakini)
It was with some measure of incredulity that I read today's headlines that former deputy premier and Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR) leader Anwar Ibrahim (photo) is being investigated again on sodomy charges, a repeat performance by the police after exactly 10 years.
Malaysiakini had reported yesterday, here, that a report was lodged by the 23-year-old alleged victim, a former Anwar aide, at the Jalan Travers police station. Anwar has since dismissed the report as a "complete fabrication". Earlier, PKR had sent out an SMS message stating that the police had detained Anwar's special aide Saiful Bukhari and forced him to lodge a police report.
"The report has been organised by interested parties to attack me in retaliation for evidence I have recently obtained implicating IGP (inspector-general of police) Musa Hassan and the AG (attorney-general) Gani Patail in misconduct including fabrication of evidence in the cases launched against me in 1998-1999. This vile attack will not prevent me from releasing this dossier to the public," Anwar said.
A pretty reckless move by the men in blue and a desperate attempt by the government to silence him, I think.
Update: Malaysiakini reports, here, that a police report is expected to be lodged against the Inspector General of Police and the Attorney General this morning over their alleged misconduct during Anwar Ibrahim's trials in 1998-1999. Lawyers acting for the PKR de facto leader are expected to lodge the report.
PKR president Dr Wan Azizah also said that Saiful joined to help the party during the general election period. She added that little was known of him and that no background check was done on him as he was just a volunteer.
More on Saiful Bukhari, here and here.