Some time ago, I wrote, here, that "on 18th August 2004, a group of 22 ISA detainees challenged the Malaysian Council of Muftis to make a fatwa on the ISA, which ex detainee Saari Sungib argued, violates 'principles of human rights and the rule of law enshrined in the Scriptures'. But somehow this was kept out of the mainstream media and nothing came out of it. No prizes for guessing why".
A commentor then wrote: "Kepada saya, ISA hakikatnya adalah perbuatan menunjuk samseng kepada Allah s.w.t."
To date only Dr. Asri Zainul Abidin, the Mufti of Perlis, has the balls to speak out against the use of the Internal Security Act or ISA. He said,"Islam bukan agama yang bacul. Perbuatan ISA kerana kesalahan agama seolah-olah hendak menggambarkan orang Islam tidak mampu berhujah, terus tangkap orang. Mereka akan kata mereka benar kerana kita takut berhujah dengan dia."
He adds,"Dari segi politik Islam atau siasah, kerajaan berhak menahan orang dan beri tempoh siasatan (14 hingga 30 hari) bergantung pada keperluan. Tapi kita tidak boleh hukum 2 tahun tanpa diadili. Ini zalim."
The operative word here is "zalim" or "cruel" and the ISA is indeed barbaric and hence downright bloody unIslamic. We also deserve the government we have got. Yet no one from the government has commented or dared to refute the learned Mufti's words and I half expected someone or other to say something stupid like "sometimes its necessary to be cruel to be kind", or some shit. So really its up to Anwar Ibrahim now to help us rid of this oppressive government and get Raja Petra Kamarudin and all the other ISA detainees out.
Perhaps we will also need to review the position of all the muftis in this country.
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
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The Ancient Mariner
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I think the politics in Malaysia has muddle the very essence of democracy. With political appointees in every strata of govt bodies, we will have real difficulties in having people who dares to question the wrongs committed by the ruling regime. What we really need now is to have the rulers rights being restored by parliament and for them to make decision related to religious matter via their appointed muftis.
ReplyDeleteIf someone is perceived to have insulted Islam as claimed by the authority in the case of RPK's, then he should be hauled up before the syariah court and have his say and not to Kamunting. That's outright inhumane as it violates the basic principle of human rights. Let's us garner the support fo the muftis and rulers against the abuse of ISA on civilians. It need to be abolished and get those that are in Kamunting charge in court of law. We need more sane minded people to join hands to bring this beloved nation back to her rightful standing.
ReplyDeleteI'm sure you hv come across the term "ulamak suk". Reproduced here is its definition as contained in Kamus Pengetahuan Islam by Dato Hj Dusuki bin Hj Ahmad: "ulamak yg mempergunakan ilmu pengetahuannya utk melakukan kejahatan2 yg merugikan org lain. Ayat2 Allah bagi mereka hanya dijadikan topeng utk maksud2 peribadi saja". With that I rest my case.
frm: takut kpd Allah
Hiya Captain
ReplyDeleteDr Asri also has the balls (to quote you) to urge Anwar to sumpah laknat he did not sodomise Saiful. Do you agree with that?
But I understand we tend to choose opinions that concur with our stand. Is that not true, captain?
Capt, I am a non-muslim but I really must say the BEST and most INTELLIGENT mufti is from Perlis.
ReplyDeleteassalamualaikum wrth uncle capt, kenapa mereka anggap diri mereka pembela agama tetapi hakikatnya mereka tu pengkhianat agama dengan menindas manusia.. amat menjelikkan dan memualkan..lebih-lebih lagik di lakukan oleh mereka yang katanya menganut agama ISLAM. apsal pak lah tk bangkit dpd tido n kembali waras setelah di komen oleh mufti perlis tentang ISA. Masih di ulit mimpi? semoga mimpinya itu mimpi ngeri yg memberikan dier kewarasan segera. wallahualam.. take care uncle..
ReplyDeleteHebat Shafie Afdal… ISA memang tidak perlu dikaji semula
ReplyDeleteSEPATUTNYA, kabinet Malaysia mempunyai semua menteri yang berpendirian setanding dengan Menteri Perpaduan Kebudayaan Kesenian dan Warisan, Datuk Seri Mohd Shafie Afdal yang mempertahankan Akta
Keselamatan Dalam Negeri (ISA) supaya tidak perlu dikaji semula kerana ia masih diperlukan di negara berbilang kaum dan agama seperti Malaysia.
Menurut Shafie yang juga Ahli MT Umno, ISA mempunyai peranannya tersendiri dalam menangani pelbagai isu yang timbul daripada struktur masyarakat Malaysia yangberbilang kaumdan agama bagi memastikan kententeraman kaum dan kesejahteraan negara sentiasa terjamin.
“Tak perlu di nilai semula. Apa yang penting ialah kita kena melihat kebaikan ISA,” katanya kepada pemberita selepas majlis berbuka puasa bersama masyarakat setempat di Semporna baru-baru ini.
Sebelum ini, terdapat beberapa suara dari pembangkang dan penyokong kerajaan (termasuk menteri dan pemimpin-pemimpin parti komponen BN) yang mengesyorkan supaya ISA dikaji semula.. Malahan, ada juga yang secara terang-terang tidak bersetuju ISA digunakan untuk menahan wartawan.
Sepatutnya, 23 juta rakyat dan penduduk Malaysia (tidak termasuk orang asing) tidak perlu gusar dengan ISA kerana ISA bukan dikenakan terhadap penunggang motosikal yang tidak memakai topi keledar atau, pemandu kereta yang tidak memakain tali pinggang keselamatan, tetapi ia digunakan sebagai pencegahan kepada ‘rusuhan’ dan keadaan yang tidak menjamin keselamatan masyarakat.
ISA juga tidak digunakan setiap bulan, sebaliknya pihak polis mengambil langkah berhati-hati dna cukup teliti untuk menguatkuasakan undang-undang ini. Malangnya, ada menteri (bukan Menteri Dalam Negeri) yang membuat komen ketidakwajaran penggunaan ISA ini.
Sepatutnya Teresa Kok, wartawan Tan Chee Hong dan Raja Petra Kamaruddin ‘berbangga’ kerana ditahan di bawah ISA dan jika benar dihidangkan dengan ‘makanan anjing’ kerana mereka ‘memilih jalan ini’ kerana tingkah laku mereka sendiri. Apakah Teresa Kok tidak merasakan dia ‘menyinggung’ perasaan kaum lain (selain dari Cina) ketika dia menurunkan ‘tanda jalan bertulisan jawi’ untuk digantikan dengan papan tanda yang tiada tulisan jawi?
Polis juga cukup berpengalaman ketika menjalankan risikan dan mustahil, tanpa apa-apa sebab yang boleh dipercayai ‘untuk menahan’ seseorang. Saya sendiri, jika tulisan-tulisan saya dilihat menghasut dan ada sebab mempercayai, saya menghasut, saya reda untuk memilih ditahan di bawah ISA, jika difikirkan itu sahaja yang boleh menyelamatkan perpaduan dan keharmonian kaum di negara ini.
Ketika Tuan Guru Datuk Nik Aziz Nik Mat tidak mahu Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim ditahan di bawah ISA kerana dikatakan mengancam ekonomi dan keselamatan negara, tidak pula Nik Aziz menasihatkan Anwar supaya menghentikan ‘lakonan tidak perlu’ yang dilakukan selama ini, hingga menyebabkan situasi politik negara menjadi tidak menentu.
Lim Kit Siang yang kelihatan berhempas pulas membidas tindakan kerajaan menahan Teresa Kok di bawah ISA juga tidak dilihat merosakkan ekonomi dan keselamatan negara, sebagai mana yang dilakukan Anwar, tidak sepatutnya ‘risau’ dengan ISA.
Amatlah baik, sebagai orang yang pernah di tahan di bawah ISA, Kit Siang menasihatkan Teresa supaya tidak melakukan perbuatan-perbuatan yang boleh menyebabkan ISA ‘menjemputnya’ ke dalam. Bukankah Teresa bekas Setiausaha Politik kepada Kit Siang?
Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi sepatutnya mempunyai anggota kabinet seperti Shafie. Mungkin dalam banyak hal lain, Shafie tidak terpakai, tetapi dalam isu ISA, Shafie adalah ‘menteri terbaik’ yang Pak Lah ada, pada fikiran saya.
Ketika Menteri Dalam Negeri dan Pak Lah diserang hebat ketika isu ISA timbul baru-baru ini, saya memang tertunggu-tunggu kalau-kalau ada menteri yang ’sanggup bangkit’ mempertahankan ISA dan kerajaan. Ada suara datangnya dari Menteri Luar, Datuk Seri Dr. Rais Yatim yang juga dikatakan amat pakar dalam undang-undang, tetapi dia juga meminta ISA dikaji semula, ketika isu ini sedang hangat.
Bercakap kenalah ikut adat. Ada masa yang sesuai kita bercakap, ada masanya, tidak. Tempat juga kena tengok sebelum bercakap. Masalahnya, ada menteri-menteri ikut suka hati bila hendak bercakap, tidak ikut adat, tidak tengok tempat dan kesesuaian masa.
Isunya, Pak Lah seorang yang lembut dan berhemah. Tidak terlalu mengongkong. Tetapi ‘anak-anak buahnya’ silap faham. Mereka ambil kesempatan. Apa yang mereka cakap, akhirnya menjadi senjata digunakan pembangkang menikam BN. Contoh paling ketara, tindakan Zaid Ibrahim yang gagal untuk kembali menjadi Ketua Umno Bahagian Kota Bharu, membidas ISA – tanpa tahu bahawa undang-undang inilah sebenarnya yang telah terbukti berjaya menyelamatkan negara ini, sejak peristiwa hitam 13 Mei 1969.
Cuba bertanya kepada Anwar Ibrahim, kenapa dia ditahan di bawah ISA suatu ketika dahulu? Adakah kerana dia sedang menunggang motosikal tanpa memakai topi keledar? Begitu juga dengan Datuk Ibrahim Ali, Datuk Tajuddin Abdul Rahman, Fahmi Ibrahim dan beberapa orang lagi… apakah kesalahan yang mereka lakukan hingga menyebabkan mereka di tahan di bawah ISA?
Oleh Zainal Yusof
Encik Zainal, your application of ISA is indeed one-sided, only based on your personal opinion! You justified this by trying to stop others from saying their pieces and when you have no more facts, then apply ISA. so much for your two cent justification!
ReplyDeleteISA memang masih perlu di-kekalkan. Memang dari segi ugama pun di-lihat sebagai zalim tetapi apa yang kerajaan lakukan adalah dalam skop yang lebih besar ia-itu menjaga kepentingan negara. Kita tidak mahu peristiwa berdarah kembali lagi.
Dalam setiap kaum ada yang berjiwa perkauman. Ada sahaja yang akan menimbulkan kenyataan2 membangkitkan sentimen dan ini akan merebak jika tidak di-bendung.
ISA telah berjaya mengekang individu2 yang ekstrim. Bagi kebanyakan rakyat yang mematuhi undang2 ISA amat mereka perlukan.
So ISA has to stay!... or try get Anwar abolish it if he gets to become PM which I think he will never will. Just like what he said about 16 sept. Anwar clearly bewitched his supporters big time. He's the real fake.
I think not many want ISA (Ikut Suka Aku) to be abolished altogether. The few that do are saying so coz they are fed up with rampant ABUSE of the Act. The Govt doesn't seem able to differentiate between threat to national security and threat to BN security. So the majority want ISA to be amended so that the Govt won't be able to behave as prosecutor and judge at the same time. If you want to continue to be in the same league with other pariah nations, by all means carry on with ISA.
ReplyDeletefrm: not selective
Captain, I agree with your comment vis-a-vis Mufti's position. And thanks for dropping by last week. Been lurking around your blog for sometimes without commenting.
ReplyDeleteSelamat hari raya Aidilfitri.
Br Captain
ReplyDeleteI m a chinese Muslim convert n have been for the past 42 yrs Raised a family together with a Malay woman whom I have shared my life with unconditionally n in the process produced 6 beautiful children who r now contributing to the well being of our beloved country as corporate managers, teachers, doctors, engineers pharmacist n accountant.
Islam has always been n will ALWAYS b the foundation n cornerstone of our existence Shud there anything I REPEAT anything in the administration n functioning of the home, it is always with sensible n logical consultation amongst us to resolve issues, no matter how hard they seem to b n insyaAllah God willing we have always prevailed.
We have now 6 grandchildren n hopefully many many more to come to populate this beautiful country of ours called Malaysia
When I read the blogs re use of the ISA to incarcerate dissent, it shudders me to the core to think is that what Islam is ...use of carnal laws just to stay in power? Where r our learned scholars on the Holy Book in regards this aspect? Is there sincerity n honesty in them to speak out for what is the Truth so that others who may one day embrace this beautiful religion called Islam ?
I m certainly saddened with disgust at the present state of affairs as to the use of ISA to silenced critics by the present ruling BN Govt...but deep inside me also know n still know that Islam will prevail if Islam is PRACTISED for what it is n not said what it is..
My two cents worth
Maj ( Rtd) Haji Muhammad bin Abdullah @ Tan Wah Guan
itu pendapat kapten la.. tapi saya tak setuju dipadamkan terus ISA ini, cuma khususkan kepada kes kes jenayah, subversif, dan terorisme, kekerasan politik etc... dalam hal ni Syed Hamid boleh didakwa sebab menyalahguna ISA... polis bawah awak, jangan kata polis yang salah pulak..
ReplyDeletememang patut pun Abdul Malek Hussin kena ISA...kalau aku, siap KASI lagi...
ReplyDeleteSalam to all !
ReplyDeletePlease excuse for this sidetrack ...
I am about to launch a “Free Malaysia Now” site.
Is there any “public service announcement” type of ads out there that I can put on my site?
Specifically, I am looking for full page “animated ads”, preferably in “flash”, less than 1 minute in length, that carry the “Anti-ISA”, “Free PKR”, “Down with Racism” and similar theme.
If you know of such “ads”, or are interested in this, please email me the ads.
Disclaimer: I am NOT going to pay anyone for the ads, because I am putting the ads on my site for FREE (hey, I pay for the bandwidth, la) and I ain’t trying to sell anything !
If you prefer to be anonymous, please indicate it in your email. If you want credit to your ads, please say it so.
I will try my best to keep your identity secret, can’t promise anything tho. Therefore, if you truly want to keep your identity secret, my suggestion is to send me your email through anonymous proxies.
Please email me at freemalaysianow at gmail dot com
Thank you all in advance !
Harap Maaf Zahir dan Batin !
Selamat Hari Raya Aidil Fitri !
Capt., the law by itself is harmless only the people who are asked to apply it can be dangerous. So to prevent perverts from simply applying such law, many would suggest its abolition; because people generally allow power to go into their heads. If all the religious laas are applied by the ENLIGHTENED ONE, nothing bad will come out of it but the moment the self proclaimed experts step in, danger sets in!! that is the reality of this world! So the safest step is to erase it!!
ReplyDeleteEl Kapitano ,I want to convey my best wishes to you and your family and to all Muslim brothers and sisters on the auspicious occassion of Eid. May almighty fulfill all of your dreams.To the others who tumpang the celebrations... peace be with you and happy holidays
ReplyDeletei can bet my crippled limbs the mufti of Perak had given his 2sens on this, only to be blackened out by media. either that or the MSM couldnt be bothered to ask him in the first place.