Be back Friday.
Update on Wednesday, 29 April 2009 at 1800 hrs: Some photos ...

(With fellow waris at the makam of Daeng Celak on Pu. Bintan.
On far left is well known local artist Hj. Md Sani Md Dom)
On far left is well known local artist Hj. Md Sani Md Dom)

(At the makam of Daeng Marewah with my cousin and namesake,
consultant surgeon Dr. Yusof Tan Sri Dato Dr. Mohd Said)

(Final resting place of sailor/warrior Raja Haji Fisabilillah
a.k.a. Marhum Teluk Ketapang, atop a hill on Pu. Penyengat)

(Makam of Raja Ali Haji, who has been named as "Father of
the Malay-Indonesian Language" by the Indonesian government)

(Gurindam Kesepuluh, part of the famous Gurindam Duabelas,
etched in marble at the Makam Engku Puteri Hamidah of Riau)
Please give a wide berth to Pedra Branca. Otherwise your Bugis ancestors may have to rescue you from its new owners.
ReplyDeleteCaptain, the current wont drift you onto Batam I suppose. Just trying to be naughty on a Monday afternoon. Cheers sir....until we clink again, you take car of the rudder!
ReplyDeleteI forgot....if you chance upon another Bugis pirate called RPK, tell him we miss him.
ReplyDeleteSalam YA,
ReplyDeleteHave a good and safe trip. It is always good to get back to our roots now and then.
Convey my salams to our common Bugis ancestors!
ReplyDeleteIt looks like Dr Yusof Mohd Said prefers your company to that of the Said sisters! Pity 'tis true says Shakespeare!
ReplyDeletemethinks I shouldnt get involved in sibling spats or whatever ... heheh
ReplyDeleteRaja Ali Haji was actually born in Selangor! His book Tuhfat al Nafis has been recognised as more authoritative than the Sejarah Melayu. Due to the borderless world then, when he died he was buried in the Riau islands. This has led the Indonesians to claim him as one of theirs. What a pity.
His grandfather Raja Haji Fisabilillah ibni Daeng Celak and brother of Raja Lumu the first Sultan of Selangor, was killed in battle in 1784 against the Dutch at Teluk Ketapang in Melaka and was buried there. His remains was later exhumed and brought back to Riau. The Indonesians have since proclaimed him as one of their "Pahlawan Nusantara". Again, what a pity!
Nice walking shoes you've got on. The soles especially look thick.
ReplyDeleteLet's rise above trivial pursuits and petty rivalries!
ReplyDeleteBut it's a real pity when all your good intentions and deeds are misconstrued by constipated family members or citizens who themselves are apathetic; who themselves don't contribute much but dare condemn others for helping out!
My sympathies and empathies are running out for constipated people who blame others for their own failings!
ReplyDeleteThanks sis, point taken.
Good thing your abang is computer illiterate. Or else I am up the creek without a paddle in a crossfire for sure ... hahaha
HA HA HA penakluk Bugis!
ReplyDeleteIndeed - the Bugis were conquerors, scholars and learned ulamas not the pirates that some history books made us out to be!
That's why the mainland Indonesians have claimed them!
ReplyDeleteYou obviously are very proud of your heritage and have every right to be.
Thank you for sharing. a descendant of Opu Daeng Chelak? Tak salah la I said u Kepala Lanun. Heh Heh.
ReplyDeleteU know sumthing Captain, I miss you and the rest of the blogging posse. me oso long time no mee rebus at Kak Maria's place.
Regale us with more of your stories.
Hj Amir bin Abdul Majid
Ampang Jaya,
Dear Capt Yusof,
The Bugis from Linggi
(in response to Homecoming in “The Ancient Mariner” April 29th 2009)
I was introduced to your blog today by your cousin Dr Yusof Tan Sri Mohd Said. He is close friend of mine. Our friendship started when he introduced himself as a descendent of Daeng Chelak and hails from Linggi. When I told him that both my maternal and paternal great grandfathers descended from Daeng Chelak, he declared that we are related. Our usual conversation topics centered on Bugis: Riau, Sulawasi, Daeng Chelak, Raja Haji and our own family connections. How proud was he to declare himself a Bugis! Yes, the Bugis ancestry brings with it dignity and honor, because the Bugis are people who place family honor above everything else, and even prepared to die in defending their dignity. They work hard to achieve stature in the community, and would not allow anything to wreck what had been achieved. The proverb “Biar putih tulang, jangan putih mata” may have its origin in the Bugis psyche.
My paternal great grand father followed his three elder siblings, one of them my maternal great grandfather, to start a new life in Merlimau, Melaka 154 years ago. They were from Pulau Penyengat and were of Bugis origin. Their mother was descended from Daeng Parani, while their father was a grandson of Raja Haji bin Daeng Chelak. They never revealed their origin outside the family circle. After three generations had lapsed, we felt it was time to reveal our identity. On 8th December 2002, the descendents of Rimbun, Pajar, Ismail and Masrobiah met for the first time, all 1400 of them, under one roof in Padang Temu Melaka. The gathering was recorded in the Malaysia Book of Records as the largest family gathering ever. Our family members, called the Masparimbunis Family, are found residing mainly in Merlimau, Muar, Batu Pahat and Kluang. The family head is called Ketua Limpo. He is Tuan Hj Kassim bin Ahmad bin Pajar bin Raja Ali bin Raja Jaafar bin Raja Haji bin Daeng Chelak. The four branches of the family are each headed by an Anang. We have a Lembaga Adat, the supreme council where the Anangs (branch heads) and Matoas (family heads) meet annually to discuss matters of interest. I am the General Secretary to this Lembaga Adat.
So Capt, that’s our story. As for the Ancient Mariner, do continue the good work. Selamat Berkenalan!
Dear Captain Yusof
ReplyDeleteYou seemed so well informed on the Bugis warriors so I would like to get your views on how did malays espcially Bugis warrior Raja Haji became skilled in maritime logistis that he could beat the Dutch in sea battles. How would you describe in layman's term the siege or bloackade of Bukit Melawati and Riau by Dutch and however did Raja Haji manage to squeeze them out of the blockade.
I am an avid reader on Raja Haji and the Bugis influence.