Youngster Loh Gwo Burne of Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR) could have made a lot of money out of the VK Lingam video, but he chose to tell the truth against all odds. The exposé provided the turning point without which the judicial appointments scandal would never have surfaced and our judiciary would have sunk deeper into the abyss of judicial hellholes. This is why for the Kelana Jaya parliamentary seat I am going to vote for Loh (photo, right), who has denied that he is just an 'accidental hero' who had by chance videotaped the antics of the high flying lawyer. Loh believes that he can say whatever he wants in parliament without fear or favour, unlike his MCA opponent who will have to toe the UMNO line (or suffer the fate of his predecessor). And I do believe him.
For the Seri Setia Selangor state seat I will vote for fellow blogger and MCKK old boy Nik Nazmi Nik Ahmad (photo, left) also of PKR, a young man who wants to be an agent of change, which is what this country badly needs. We have enough fat dinosaurs who have overstayed their welcome. We are also in dire need of elected representatives who will represent and serve their electorate and not their political masters or just to make up the numbers.
I am also glad that PKR has made a start with a non-race based platform. Gerakan, PPP and DAP have tried this before but the Malays just didnt buy it. Both Loh and Nik Nazmi must surely be amongst pioneers of sorts and it will indeed be a long haul before we are rid of race based politics in this country.
Which is why I am going to vote for these young lads. They've got balls.