(Source: Wikipedia)
RMS Titanic: They all said she was unsinkable. But when she sank, it was unthinkable*.
Anyway, what do you do when your ship is sinking? You jump ship. No two ways about it and we seamen have absolutely no qualms about this since it is for the common good. So if any particular 'unsinkable' SOS (Ship of Shame) is set to founder, then why not indeed. A sea captain would encourage his men to abandon ship, even to clamber aboard the enemy's if it is simply a matter of personal survival and after taking everyone's interests at heart. This is also the most practical thing to do and a captain doesn't really need to go down with his ship ... thats simply passé these days.
Morality? Integrity?
Dammit sirs, don't patronise me.
(Read Once the defections start, there's no stopping in today's theSun, here)
*This reminds me of the joke about the doctor who had his stethoscope on a young girl's chest when he said,"Big breaths, now".
"Yeth," she said, "and I am only thixteen!"
capt., you said it! some ppl never knew how idiotic they are, trying to cow others through 'holier than thou' act.They are so transparent that the thinking public has no time for them; this is our mistake for not telling them that they are bums! Talking about morality, don't you think the UN should have a court to trial those nimcoompop generals in Myanmar, trying to preserve their power while letting the poor burmese suffered!! And to be included in this group would be our good friend, John Mugabe and all his type.
ReplyDeleteJumping ship to help the nation is an act of courage!! Jump over soonest!!!
Captain, the way I see it, it is getting confusing, for me at least. All this talk of jumping ship, is it so easy to "buy over" these people to just abandon ship? I'm redaing the BN leaders were offered a ridiculasly big sum of money to do so. What set of standards and ethics are of these politicians if they indeed choose to indeed switch parties? Does PR really need such leaders? Who knows, next time the same people will be bought over again by the other party. I'm thinking what good does it bring if everyone is just after "Who can give me the most money to stay or leave".
ReplyDeleteAnd where did PR get that money to buy over these people anyway?
Jumping Ship is included in Clause 36X, Chapter 2 para 3 of UMNO manifesto. So, sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander.
ReplyDeleteClause 36X (i) says, 'Notwithstanding anything to the foregoing, and where there is doubt, the Captain shall jump first, followed by SIL. The Deputy may follow suit, if his wife permits.' lol
ReplyDeleteYou write well 'though I may disagree here and there. But whatever.
Just let me foward this 'ringan-ringan' stuff.
WALAUPUN BANYAK penafian, berita Ahli Parlimen berpaling tadah menyertai PR yang diketuai
'PM-in-waiting' DS Anwar Ibrahim tidak akan reda sehingga benar-benar berlaku. Jika yang melompat adalah ikhlas, tanpa tekanan, tanpa sogokan, untuk perjuangan, maka PR akan masih bersih suci.
Tetapi jika melompat kerana tawaran jawatan dan sogokan wang maka PR akan menerima sekutu-sekutu yang terpalit dengan imej mata duitan dan mudah dibeli dan kesucian PR ternoda. PR seolah macam Pak Haji membela pelacur. Bak kata Husain Lampoyang ' berniaga orang lebih untung dari berniaga unta.'
Jika lompat melompat ini melibatkan sogokan wang, bererti pemberi sogokan juga pengamal budaya yang sama. Dan wang modal untuk sogokan ni siapa nak ganti? Dari poket sendiri ? Banyaknya duit. Pendahuluan daripada kawan ? Kawan yang mana? Kalau pinjam daripada Soros, negara cagarannya.
Apapun, jika 'PM-in-dreaming' masih lalok lagi anggaplah lompat melompat ini akan berlaku dan kita kena bersedia dengan senario yang amat menarik.
1. DSAI tak dapat jadi PM sebelum September sebab tempoh pantang larang diadakan pilihan raya kecil tak habis sehingga 8 September 2008. Takcaya tanya Rashid kat SPR tu.
2. Oleh sebab bulan puasa dan raya dimana kempen yang ada kutuk megutuk ditegah, (kecuali jika Nik Aziz dan Haji Hadi memfatwakan o.k) DSAI hanya ada harapan selepas Oktober.
3. Jika tak ada AP dpd PKR yang memberi laluan untuk by-election pada DSAI, beliau kena tunggu AP UMNO beri laluan, samada dengan sogokan wang atau tunggu siapa yang mati.
Kalau yang mati dpd MCA atau MIC, DSAI juga melepas sebab calon DAP akan bertanding.
Biasalah sebab politik kita masih lagi berasas kaum.
4. Kalau bertanding dekat kawasan ramai Melayu, Jawa dan Bugis peluang DSAI adalah tipis.
Kalau di kawasan ramai India ada harapan. Permatang Pauh atau Klana Jaya paling selamat.
5. Sementara menunggu DSAI, isteri dia jadi PM sekejap, kalau yang melompat tadi dah jadi 40 + 82 AP PR sedia ada. (Majoriti mudah 112 shj) Itu pun kalau Nik Aziz dan Hj Hadi boleh terima arahan dpd wanita sebagai khalifah.
6. Yang melompat tadi pun tak senang jugak sebab, manalah tau, disebabkan terlalu takbur, DSAI kalah by-election. Itu pasal dia kena cari tempat selamat.
7. Bila dah jadi PM, DSAI kena lantik 5 jawatan Timbalan PM : Hj Hadi untuk jaga umat Islam, Lim Kit Siang untuk jaga kaum Cina, Gobalakrishnan untuk jaga kaumIndia, (seperti cara pembahagian harta di Pulau Pinaang) DatukAnifah untuk Sabah, dan seorang wakil dpd Sarawak untuk Saerawak (sebagai upah melompat parti).
8. Karpal Singh dilantik speaker Dewan Rakyat.
9. Sebagai PM, DSAI kena turut arahan DAP dan parti-parti bukan Islam sebab bilangan
mereka 67 (DAP 28 + PKR 12 + Parti-parti Sabah 12 + parti-parti Sarawak 16) berbanding
bilangan AP Islam hanya 55 (PAS 23 + PKR 19 + Datuk Anipah + kawan UMNO 12 )
10. Sebab bukan Islam lebih ramai Karpal akan paksa Nik Aziz umum Malaysia bukan negara Islam
11. Semua jawatan penting di khas untuk DAP dan bukan Islam, macam di Pulau Pinang, Selangor dan Perak. Menteri Kewangan dan segala jawatan berkait ekonomi pergi pada DAP.
(Macam sebelum tahun 1970an dimana Bendahari persatuan dan hal-hal beniaga diberi pada Cina sebab Melayu tak pandaikira-kira dan beniaga. Lagipun Melayu tak boleh tengok duit, nanti rasuah dan songlap. Cina takpe sebab dia orang bukan hantu duit)
12. PAS diberi jawatan Menteri Agama Islam dan Menteri Sumber Asli (hasil balak je).
13. PKR dapat jawatan PM, cukuplah. Itu yang diidamkan. Hanya Azmin Ali saja dapat jawatan, sebagai Menteri Perhubungan Awam (Kementerian baru)
14. Sabah dan Sarawak ? Dah lupa semula.
15. Setiap hari akan diadakan demonstrasi jalanan sebab ini perjuangan PR yang dipelopori oleh DSAI sejak zaman penuntut lagi. Bagaimanapun yang ada dijalanan ini hanya pengikut-pengikut Melayu dan India sahaja. Pengikut Cina seperti TianChua tak main dijalanan sebab dah jadi Menteri Dalam Negeri. Selama ni memang kaum Cina kurang demo di jalanan tetapi lebih di coffee house.
Banyak lagi senario yang menarik yang akan meyusul kemudian.
Posted by Bung Karno at 12:05 AM
ReplyDeleteBased from your experience, what will (or where will) be the captain when the ship is sinking?
ReplyDeletewherever he wants to be, really.
he's da boss.
capt., i think many malays are eager to know the set-up of the cabinet if DSAI takes office, if PR is smart I don't think the proposal by Karno will prevail, I know many non-malays are comfortable whosoever runs the country runs it equitably. I think many tend to forget that BN's composition of leadership has been accepted by malaysians as a whole for many years until the last 20 years or so: reason? total corruption prevailingat all levels from the very top to the bottom. I think all rational malaysians are concerned on this issue; only those blinded by the color of the skin and what they think they know of a person because he reads certain holy book. we should all realize that the make-up of a person is not dependent on the external features nor his affliciation to any congregation. the sad thing of the human race is to judge others by what he sees, before he looks into the mirror every morning!
ReplyDeleteCaptain, this same doctor said to a well-endowed patient: DEEP BREATHLY!
ReplyDeletecapt., as thing goes He might still score plenty of points with the 'neutral' malaysians after the decision on the Tape! Of course, how far the truth would be exposed remains to be seen.
ReplyDeleteon the whole, malaysians are 'forgiving' lot; and politicians with conscience should not exploit this. Or rather those shysters politicians should be exposed and and send to the garbage dump! this is what the ordinary malaysians owe to the nation to do.
ReplyDeletefirst thing first -- I hilited this Post at cpiasia.org -- you owe me one lamb:)
i enjoyed this accidental vicedom:
""*This reminds me of the joke about the doctor who had his stethoscope on a young girl's chest when he said,"Big breaths, now".
"Yeth," she said, "and I am only thixteen!""
So, I owe you one lamb!
Sext, i hear it's an offence for you to crack jokes about a gal's breast, or taking secret pix hear!
It's ok if you take pix of man's chest or breasts or beast?
Let's take this "law" case to mindful mariner for his wisdom from A-broad!:):)
so Promptus owes US 2 lambs!
VK-tion hear VVe come at Paul's Streak:):):)
Salam Capt,
ReplyDeleteInteresting relationship and i have to say here that being asabahan myself this bung karno is just another person who has no value. He talks about pkr using rakyat's money. Hellloooo u have been using our money long enough to deprive schooling many potential leaders, sometimes i laugh at this sabahan leaders they talk n talk with no values. i have many personal experience two of which they love to take advantage of ladies ie giving them opportunity in better life but a taste of flesh first. secondly many of us gets fast weekends buck by attending their so call talk at dewan or is actually sogokan.
Come on bung karno many of u are mostly indonesian taking advantage of us malaysian wealth. How come this bus mini is still on the road when many of them are reportedly unsafe n many of the drivers are junkies. U can see them ampai-ampai at road side when there's a road block bu JPJ or Police.( Most mini buses are owned by sabahan politician n they are bugis- as for bajau laut they are the mafia for many sabahan jokers.Sabahan jokers(politician) implement i'm your master environment. U oppose u die, Truth is many of u are jokers n i love watching u act in the parlimen.One day when this deprive true sabahan citizen are able to read they will launch the missiles.
true sabah
ReplyDeletedesiderata said...
dear sailor boy: methinks you did not have to worry -- these MIB won't want to sail the high Cs -- they weren't sked of the pirates, only of mariners like thee and ancient one -- still memorising the Rime of the AM, now it's close to PM!:)
GDae, when is out next meAt at Lingam's onow that the report is Oooch!?
cc: Ancient Mariner--Desi
17 May, 2008 11:14
Wonders if the ship's Band will play on til the end. Nah, they will be the first to take the remaining lifeboats!
ReplyDeleteHa ha!
ReplyDeleteBig breaths indeed, man!!