Friday, January 25, 2008

Mindful Mariner

My friend and fellow retired old sea dog, Capt. Abdul Karim Stuart Russell, may just prove to be another Robert Burns in the making. Always at the fore with his very insightful and often humorous comments in my blog, he has just started his very own: Mindful Mariner. (Go visit, here).

We can all now look forward to many an interesting local mat salleh's perspective of the Malaysian socio-political scene.

(After a few wee drams he can also be useful as a "BBC reporter", eh Zorro?)

Ceud mile fàilte to the blogosphere, or whatever they call it, Stu.


  1. To Captain Karim

    Welcome aboard the Blogging Ship.

    You and the other old sea-dog, Captain Yusof Ahmad, should help us out navigating through this bloody mess of a ride by this Government.

    Will visit your blog site...

    To both Captains, we need to bring the PKFZ scandal to shore eversince the mainstream media have deliberately left the issue floating in the middle of nowhere .

  2. Thanks very much for the kind and thoughtful introduction Captain Yusof.

    The bare boned blog is still a shell
    But when the buntings up it should look quite well

    Will need to think what to put in it
    News and views, satire and wit

    A picture, video or perhaps a cartoon
    or maybe some shit on a wooden spoon?

    To Frank I say thank you very much too
    for your kind comment received, now must say toodleloo


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The Ancient Mariner